
115周年校庆“学术华农”系列活动之0185 数信学院学术报告:Construction, Extension and Path extendability of Near-Homogeneous Tournaments

来源单位及审核人: 编辑:审核发布:数学与信息学院发布时间:2024-06-07



报告题目:Construction, Extension and Path extendability of Near-Homogeneous Tournaments

报告摘要: A homogeneous tournament is a tournament with  vertices that every arc is contained in exactly  cycles of length . Homogeneous tournaments are the first class of tournaments that are proved to be path extendable, which means that every nonhamiltonian path  in such a tournament  can be extended to a path  with the same initial and terminal vertex and  for a certain vertex . A generalized class of graph is that of near-homogeneous tournaments with  vertices, in which every arc is contained in  or  cycles of length . We raise a new method to construct near-homogeneous tournaments with  vertices. We also show that the definition of near-homogeneous tournament can be extended to tournaments with an even number of vertices. Finally we verify path extendability of near-homogeneous tournaments.


张赞波现为广东财经大学统计与数学学院教授,先后在中山大学和荷兰特文特大学(University of Twente)获得计算机和应用数学方向博士学位,曾为广东省千百十人才培养工程省级培养对象。他主要从事图论及其算法等方面研究工作,在SIAM J. on Discrete MathematicsJ. of Graph Theory 等著名国际学术期刊上发表论文约四十篇,完成学术著作两部,在图的匹配理论,路圈理论,图划分算法和连通度算法等方向上取得系列成果,部分基础性成果被相关领域的专著和综述所引用。他主持完成广东省自然科学基金项目两项,广东省重点科研项目一项,现主持在研广东省自然科学基金两项。(详见个人网页http://shx.gdufe.edu.cn/2022/0710/c9459a163885/page.htm)
